By Osagie Alonge
Before and After - Dencia skins shows it's has grown lighter than was years before
Before and After – Dencia skins shows it’s has grown lighter than was years before
Singer Dencia has been making a lot of noise these days especially with the launch of her self branded bleaching cream ‘Whitenicious‘ which she says sold out only days after it’s release. Despite the success, some don’t think her journey to ‘whiteness’ is all that..
Lagos based Publicist Bobby Taylor obviously sounded disgusted a few hours ago when she went full blast on Dencia, condemning her for bleaching her skin, explaining that the singer looked better with her natural toned skin.
All you Dencia’s friends, please report me. Tell her Bobby said she looks a hot mess. Common man! Look at how beautiful this girl looked dark skinned‘, Bobby Taylor wrote.
Taylor also added that Dencia’s bleaching cream would definitely sell because she is ‘marketing to a society that believes that the lighter you are the better you are’.
I am not knocking your hustle, your business will bring you cash because you are marketing to a society that believes that the lighter you are the better you are. But my beef with you is that you took your beautiful skin and fucked that shit up on purpose. I’m pissed! Goodmorning‘, she ended her rant.
What just happened?Whitenicious just sold out.Wow,restocking and will have more products by January 10th but you can place orders.‘, Dencia wrote on January 6, 2014.
And for the critics, she also has a word or two; ‘Whitenicious has made me realize there is really scarcity of jobs in America.How u rant about the same shit 4 a whole week 4 free?Chile‘, she wrote on Twitter.
Dencia is of Nigerian and Cameroonian descent.

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