Kanye West
Kanye West has reportedly attacked an 18-year-old guy after the fellow allegedly called Kanye a ‘Nigga’.
The incident is said to have happened inside the waiting room of a chiropractor’s office at a Beverly Hillsmedical building, California.
TMZ reports that Kim Kardashian was at a Beverly Hills medical building when she was ‘swarmed’ by a bunch of paparazzi. The 18-year-old ‘allegedly tried to help Kim get in the building, as he started screaming, ‘F**k these fa**ot-ass n****rs’ — referring to the paparazzi.
He then screamed at her, ‘F**k you bitch.  Just trying to help you.  Shut up n****r lover, stupid slut’.
Kim K dialled Kanye on his cell, and when the guy realized Kanye was on the phone he allegedly said, ‘F**k you N****r.’   Kanye — who had just arrived at the building — then met up with Kim’, TMZ reports.
Witnesses say Kanye punched the guy and Kim screamed, ‘We have it all on tape.’
The 18-year-old reportedly told the Beverly Hills Police he wants to press charges. Kanye is now officially a suspect in a battery investigation and they want to interview him.  The matter will be referred to the L.A. County D.A. for possible prosecution.

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